Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Bioloxía
Máster Universitario en Bioloxía Mariña
  Biology of the Development of Marine Organisms
Topic Sub-topic
Gametogénesis and Fecundation Spermatogenesis. Structure of the spermatozoids. Hormonal control. Oogenesis. Structure of the ovule. Fertilization: Contact and recognition of gametes. Acrosomic reaction. Poliyspermia. Activation of egg metabolism.
Early development.Organogenesis Segmentation. Segmentation patterns Gastrulation: Types. Embryonic leaves. Derived ectodermal, neurulation, neural crests and epidermis. Derived mesodermal. Derived endodermic.
Main processes and development concepts Phases of the ontogenetic development. Patterns of development in marine organisms model. Determination, differentiation, growth, morphogenesis and establishement of the body pattern. Alterations of the pattern: mutations of genes related with development. Modifications of the body plan in the development postembryonic: heterochrony and *allometry. Technicians of study.
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