Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grao en Bioloxía
Code Description
A1 Students should prove understanding and knowledge in this study field that starts in the Secundary Education and with a level that, even though it is suppported in advanced books, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the vanguard of the study field.
A2 Students should know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way. They also should have the competences that are usually proved through the elaboration and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their study field.
A3 Students should prove ability for information-gathering and interpret important data (usually within their study field) to judge relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.
A4 Students should able to communicate information, ideas, issues and solutions to all audiences (specialist and unskilled audience).
A5 Students should develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
B1 Ability of organization and planning in the working area in a multidisciplinary environment relate to biology and other connected fields.
B2 Ability of reading and analizing scientific papers and having critical assessment skills to understand data collection, deducing the main idea from the least relevant ones and basing on the correponding conclusions.
B4 Ability in handling experimental tools, both scientific and computer technology equipment that support the search for solutions to problems related to the basic knowledge of biology and with those of a concrete labour context.
B6 Ability to use biological knowledge obtained with this degree in a professional context by reasoning and presenting the ideas clearly, backed up and based on a solid general and specific education.
B7 Collection of information about issues of biologic interest, analysis and emission of critical opinions and reason them including the reflection about social and/or ethical aspects related to the issue.
B8 Ability to draft and write independent reports or projects related to the biological field. Communicate through verbal or written presentations and develop a logical argument in a professional context where it is shown skills acquired in this degree program.
B9 Motivation to achieve innovative and proactive actions based on accomplished background from courses attended, background from current topics checked ( I+D) (Research and Development, Environment, Biomedicine, Bio production...) and background obtained from internships made in the business network.
B10 Development of analytic and abstraction skills, the intuition and the logical and rigorous thought through the study of biology and its uses.
B11 Ability to communicate in detail and clearly: knowledge, methodology, ideas, issues and solutions to all audiences (not only qualified but unskilled in Biology).
B12 Ability to identify their own educational necessities in the biology field and in concrete labour areas and to organize their learning with a high grade of autonomy in any context.
C25 Gathering background information, develop experimental work and analysing data results
C26 Participating in conducting, writing and producing projects on Biology
C31 Knowing and handling technical and scientific apparatus.
C32 Knowing and handling basic or specific key concepts and terminology
C33 Understanding the social projection of Biology.
D2 Acquisition of the organization and planning capacity for tasks and time
D3 Development of oral and writting communication abilities
D7 Resolution of issues and decision making in an effective way
D9 Ability to work in collaboration or creating groups with an interdisciplinary character
D11 Adquisition of an ethical agreement with the society and the profession
D14 Adquisition of abilities in the interpersonal relationships
D15 Development of creativity, initiative and enterpreneurial spirit
D16 Acceptance of a quaility commitment
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000