Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Clinical diagnosis and analysis
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Basic principles of the clinical analysis and diagnostic: Metrology. Systems and specimens. Phases of the diagnostic.
Subject 2. Management and control of quality in the clinical laboratory. Selection and validation of methods.
Subject 3. Diagnostic value of clinical proofs. Values of reference and interpretation of results. Norms of security and legislation.
Subject 4. Basic elements of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology. Semiologic value of the determination of biochemical magnitudes: analites and metabolism.
Subject 5. Clinical diagnosis of alterations of organs and systems. Signposts of diagnostic proofs and their interpretation.
Subject 6.Hematology: Headcounts and hematic indexes. Identification of blood cells.
Subject 7. Introduction to the human parasites and their diagnostic. Samples and diagnostic parasite forms. Coproparasitology. Diagnostic of hemoparasites.
Subject 8. Karyotypes in the clinical practice.
Subject 9. Basic elements of Clinical Microbiology. Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms from clinical samples. Etiologic diagnosis of infectious illnesses. Proofs of susceptibility.
Subject 10. Basic elements of Clinical Immunology. Principles of the diagnostic of immunological illnesses. Interpretation of results.
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