Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Advanced techniques in biology

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Biology: Evolution/V02G030V01101
Biology: Basic laboratory techniques/V02G030V01203
Biochemistry I/V02G030V01301
Biochemistry II/V02G030V01401
Animal and plant histology and cytology I/V02G030V01303
Animal and plant histology and cytology II/V02G030V01403
Genetics I/V02G030V01404
Other comments
It is recommended to work in the subject continuously, refresh basic mathematics, including the resolution of equations of first degree, logarithms, exponentials, linear interpolation, and basic statistics, including linear regression by minimum squares, and analysis of variance.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000