Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Plant physiology I
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing The master lessons of the educational programming are organised in lessons of 50 min of length. They devote to explain and develop the concepts and basic methodologies in Plant Physiology. They have to be completed with autonomous work of the student by means of books of text, complementary readings, pages web of reference. They will arouse also study of cases that the student will have to resolve by his/her account delivering in the date established.
Group tutoring The tutoring of 6-8 students allow to supervise the group in the realisation of a bibliographic work in which it prevail the organisation of the work of the group and that end in the writing of a text of no more than 30 pages and no less than 10 that it will be evaluated, as well as in a presentation of 15 minutes that also will form part of the evaluation of this section.
Case studies Each 10-15 days will arouse a case in class that the student will have to resolve of individual way with the help of educational material specialised.
Laboratory practices The practices of laboratory are aroused with the aim to complement the master sessions, familiarise the student with the protocols of laboratory in Plant Physiology and realise concrete experiments that the student will have to value delivering a manual of practices
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