Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Plant physiology I
Topic Sub-topic
Physiology of the plant cell
Introduction to Plant Physiology. The plant cells: organelles, membranes and cellular wall. Mechanism of extension of the cellular wall.
Water relations and transport - Water relativo a of the plant cell. Water potential. Plasmolise. Turgidity.
- Absorption of water by the plants. The water in the soil. Absorption of the water by the roots. Movement of the water through the root.
- Movement of the water through the plant. Mechanism of ascending transport.
- Transpiration. Stomas. Opening mechanism and closing. Water Balance.
- Absorption of ions by the plants. The elements in the soil. Absorption by the root. Movement of ions in the plant.
- Translocation of solutes. Characterisation of the transport. Hypothesis of the flow of pressure.
Photosynthesis - Photosynthesis. General equation. Magnitude of the photosynthesis.
- Chloroplasts. Structure. Photosynthetic pigments. Ultrastruture of the thylakoid system.
- Capture of the light energy. Structure of the Photosystems: centres of reaction and complex LHC.
- Transduction of the energy. Transport of electrons.
- Photophosphorylation. Quimioosmotic Hypothesis. ATP-sintase. Synthesis of ATP.
- Photosynthetic fixation of the CO2. Cycle of Calvin. Stoichiometry of the cycle. Regulation.
- Photorespiration. Biochemical mechanism. Intracellular location. Biological meaning.
- Plants C-4. Structure of the leaf. Biochemistry of the route C-4. Types of C-4 plants.
- Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM). Biochemistry of the fixation of CO2. Regulation.
- Photosynthetic productivity. Concept of point of compensation. Factors that affect to the photosynthesis: light, CO2, water.
- Utilisation of the Carbon fixed. Synthesis of starch and sucrose. Exchange of substances between the chloroplast and the cytoplasm.
Secondary metabolism - Characteristic of the secondary metabolism
- Flavonoids
- Terpenoids
- Nitrogen compounds
Practices of laboratory 1. Determination of the Water potential of a plant tissue
2. Physiology of the stomas. Observation of the stomas and assessment of the stomatal opening and closing.
3. Extraction, separation and quantification of photosynthetic pigments of plants
4. Crassulacean acid metabolism
5. Effect of the temperature on the oxidative respiration
6. Writing of the manual of practices
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