Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Animal and plant histology and cytology I
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography
Complementary Bibliography Alberts, B.; Johnson, A.; Lewis, J.; Raff, M.; Roberts, K.; Walter, P., Molecular Biology of the Cell., 2015 (6th ed).,
Becker, W.M.M., Kleinsmith, L.J.; Hardin, J., The World of the Cell., 2012 (8th ed).,
Browder, L.W.; Erickson, C.A.; Jeffery, W.R., Developmental Biology., 1991 (3th ed).,
Cooper, G. M.; Hausmann, R.E., The Cell: a Molecular Approach., 2016 (7th ed),
Gilbert, S.F., Developmental Biology., 2016 (11th ed),
Lodish, H., Matsudaira, P., Baltimore, D., Berk, A., Zipursky S.L.; Darnell, J., Molecular Cell Biology., 2016 (8th ed),
Megías, M.; Molist, P.; Pombal, M.A., Atlas de histología vegetal y animal,
Paniagua, R., Nistal, M., Sesma, P., Álvarez-Uría, M.; Fraile, B., Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal., 2007 (4th ed).,
Wilt, F.H.; Hake, S.C., Principles of Developmental Biology., 2004,
Wolpert, L.; Smith, J.; Jessell, T.; Lawrence, P.; Robertson, E.; Meyerowitz, E., Principles of Development., 2015 (5th ed).,
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