Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Traducción e Interpretación
  Idioma 2, III: Inglés
Tema Subtema
1.What are you like? Review of tenses. Character adjectives.
Reading: Finding the realyou.
Listening: People talking about*hobbies.
Speaking: Personal questions and answers, personal views.
2. Customs and traditions Gerunds and infinities,relative clauses.
Word formation: Easily confused words.
Reading: Festival in the desert.
Listening:Interview with a tour operator.
Speaking: Speculating.
Writing: proposal.
3. Looking ahead
Future forms. Phrasal verbs with up and down, expressions connected with age.
Reading:Texts about the future.
Listening: People talking about planes fuere the future of ancient monuments.
Speaking: Talking about the future.
4. Into the wild Past tenses. Expressions with animals.
Reading: Saviours of the seas.
Listening: Talking about wildlife photography.
Speaking: Describing photos, talking about a topic based on a photograph.
Writing: contribution.
5. Health matters
Direct and indirect speech. Vocabulary*about health and fitness, word formation 2.
Reading: An unhealthy obsession.
Listening:Extracts about health.
Speaking: Summarizing a text.
Writing: formal letter.
6. Would you believe it? Modal verbs. Verbs of moving and looking, expressions with right and left.
Reading: Superheroes.
Listening: radio programme about a pop group.
Speaking: Making decisions and giving reasons. Writing: summary.
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