Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Estrutura do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
Tema Subtema
Unit 1: The scientific study of language
1.1. Linguistics as the science of language
1.2. From raw linguistic data to generalizations: Word order in English questions
Unit 2: Diagnostics for syntactic structure

2.1. Diagnosis for structure: constituency tests
2.2. X-Bar Theory: categories, Head Hypothesis, specifiers, complementation vs. adjunction
2.3. The Verb Phrase and the Sentence: A First Exploration
Unit 3: An introduction to lexical and functional categories
3.1. The structure of finite sentences
3.2. The structure of non-finite sentences
3.3. Syntactic operations: Merge and Move
3.4. Meaning relations and structure: Thematic roles
3.5. Multiple auxiliaries
Unit 4: Refining structures: From one to many subject positions
4.1. Some concepts: base vs. derived positions, adjunct scope
4.2. The VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis (VPIH)
4.3. Subject position(s) and auxiliaries

Unit 5: The periphery of the sentence

5.1. Summary of previous concepts
5.2. Constructing the periphery of the sentence: SAI, questions and complementisers
5.4. The periphery of non-finite clauses
5.5. Relative clauses
Unit 6: More on predicates

6.1. Summary of previous assumptions
6.2. A new functional category: Tense
6.3. Revising the NP: The DP Hypothesis
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