Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Primeiro idioma estranxeiro V: Inglés
Tema Subtema
I. Use of English 1. Conditional forms, modals, semi-modals, future forms, relative clauses, and -ing forms
2. Expressing wishes and regrets
3. Expressing reason, result and purpose
4. Participle clauses
5. Reported speech
6. Collocations
7. Idioms, phrasal verbs and fixed phrases
8. Word formation
9. Connotation
10. Prepositions
11. Vocabulary about personality, jobs, technology, business, the city, study, and fashion
II. Listening Listening to recordings set in a variety of situations, with one or more speakers, talking about themselves, other people, different cultures, jobs, or instructions, at an advanced level
III. Speaking Speaking about oneself and other people, role playing, discussing, comparing and contrasting, making decisions, stressing, using supportive expressions and academic language, and responding to oral, visual and written prompts, at an advanced level
IV. Reading Reading and analysing texts from various sources (newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, brochures, etc) and about different topics (such as other cultures, celebrities, instructions, jobs, technology, cities, etc.), at an advanced level
V. Writing Formal and informal writing, letters and emails, essays, and reports, at an advanced level
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