Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Introducción a la literatura del primer idioma extranjero: Inglés
Tema Subtema
UNIT 1. OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE (700-1066) 1.1. Heroism and Christianity
1.2. Old English literary genres. Alliterative poetry
UNIT 2. MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE (1066-1500) 2.1. The Norman Conquest and the feudal system
2.2. From epic to romance: chivalry, courtly love and the Arthurian legend
2.3. Poetry: lyrics and comic tales; the Alliterative Revival; Geoffrey Chaucer
2.4. Medieval drama: mystery plays and morality plays
UNIT 3. TUDOR LITERATURE (1500-1603) 3.1. The Renaissance: Reformation and Humanism
3.2. The sonnet
3.3. Elizabethan drama
UNIT 4. STUART LITERATURE (1603-1700) 4.1. Jacobeand and Caroline poetry: John Donne; Metaphysical and Cavalier poets
4.2. Stuart drama to 1642
4.3. Commonwealth literature: John Milton
4.4. The Restoration. Women writers
UNIT 5. EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY LITERATURE (1700-1789) 5.1. The Enlightenment
5.2. Non-fictional prose: journalism; feminism
5.3. Poetry: satire, mock-heroic and sensibility
5.4. The novel
5.5. Drama
UNIT 6. THE ROMANTICS (1789-1837) 6.1. Romantic poetry: early and younger Romantics
6.2. Romantic prose
UNIT 7. VICTORIANISM (1837-1901) 7.1. Victorian poetry
7.2. The novel
7.3. Late Victorian literature and the turn of the century
UNIT 8. EARLY 20th-CENTURY LITERATURE (1901-1945) 8.1. Modernism (1914-27): poetry and the novel
8.2. Literature to 1945
UNIT 9. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE (1945 TO TODAY) 9.1. Post-war literature: poetry, drama and fiction
9.2. Contemporary literature: postmodernism and multiculturalism
N.B. En cada unidad del temario se analizará una selección de textos literarios, que estarán a disposición del alumnado en la plataforma de teledocencia Faitic antes del comienzo del cuatrimestre.
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