Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Máster Universitario en Dirección Pública e Liderado Institucional
  Public Leadership. Management of High-performance People and Teams
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Discussion Forum Actividade desenvolvida nunha contorna virtual na que se debaten temas diversos relacionados co ámbito académico e/ou profesional. 40 A4
Autonomous practices through ICT Actividades de aplicación dos coñecementos a situacións concretas e de adquisición de habilidades básicas e procedimentais relacionadas coa materia obxecto de estudo. Desenvólvense a través do TIC de maneira autónoma. 60 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation
  • The information on the activities evaluativas is available in
    the space of the asignatura in Faitic, under it labels "Evaluation" of each
  • The alumnado will have option to present to the announcement of
    June-July from the adaptation that of these activities realize the
    docente and cuyo content will be hanged of the platform.
  • For the superación of this asignatura is necessary the reading and
    assimilation of the texts vinculados to each subject located in
    the platform Faitic.
  • In addition to the texts, the/the student will have access (direct/quotes) to
    a complementary bibliography.