Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Grao en Publicidade e Relacións Públicas
  Company: Basics of marketing techniques
Topic Sub-topic
1. DEFINING MARKETING 1.1. Definition of marketing concepts.
1.2. The process of marketing in a company.
1.3. Evolution of marketing.
1.4. Extending marketing.
1.5. Marketing relationship.
2. MARKETING STRATEGY 2.1. The strategic planning of marketing.
2.2. Marketing Plan.
3.2. The answer of the company to the environment.
3.3. The need for marketing informationa and management.
3.4. Concept, content and applications of Marketing Research.
3.5. The process of Marketing Research.
4. MARKETPLACE AND CONSUMERS 4.1. Definition and types of consumers.
4.2. Demand.
4.3. Competition.
4.4. The nature of market segmentation.
5. PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND BRANDS 5.1. The product like variable of marketing.
5.2. The brand, the packaging and label.
5.3. The product life-cycle
5.4. The product positioning strategy.
6. PRICING DECISIONS 6.1. The nature of pricing.
6.2. Identifing pricing contraints.
6.3. Strategies of prices.
7. DISTRIBUTION DECISIONS 7.1. Concept and funtions of ditribution.
7.2. Designing the distribution channels.
7.3. The distribution intermediaries.
7.4. Characteristics of the existing distribution systems.
8. PROMOTION DECISIONS. 8.1. The mix of communication: advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion and personal selling.
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