Guia docente 2018_19
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Máster Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas para Educación Infantil e Primaria
   Personalized attention
Methodologies Description
Lecturing Personalized attention can be provided in different ways: 1. During the office hours detailed by the teacher at the introductory session of the course. Students must make an appointment by e-mail with the teacher within these hours. In these tutored sessions, students will be able to resolve doubts, make suggestions and reinforce practical aspects of the course. The teacher will not be available to students without an appointment or outside the scheduled office hours. 2. Using the online working group. 3. By videoconference (by appointment) or e-mail.
Project based learning Personalized attention can be provided in different ways: 1. During the office hours detailed by the teacher at the introductory session of the course. Students must make an appointment by e-mail with the teacher within these hours. In these tutored sessions, students will be able to resolve doubts, make suggestions and reinforce practical aspects of the course. The teacher will not be available to students without an appointment or outside the scheduled office hours. 2. Using the online working group. 3. By videoconference (by appointment) or e-mail.
Introductory activities Personalized attention can be provided in different ways: 1. During the office hours detailed by the teacher at the introductory session of the course. Students must make an appointment by e-mail with the teacher within these hours. In these tutored sessions, students will be able to resolve doubts, make suggestions and reinforce practical aspects of the course. The teacher will not be available to students without an appointment or outside the scheduled office hours. 2. Using the online working group. 3. By videoconference (by appointment) or e-mail.
Portfolio/dossier Personalized attention can be provided in different ways: 1. During the office hours detailed by the teacher at the introductory session of the course. Students must make an appointment by e-mail with the teacher within these hours. In these tutored sessions, students will be able to resolve doubts, make suggestions and reinforce practical aspects of the course. The teacher will not be available to students without an appointment or outside the scheduled office hours. 2. Using the online working group. 3. By videoconference (by appointment) or e-mail.
Presentation Personalized attention can be provided in different ways: 1. During the office hours detailed by the teacher at the introductory session of the course. Students must make an appointment by e-mail with the teacher within these hours. In these tutored sessions, students will be able to resolve doubts, make suggestions and reinforce practical aspects of the course. The teacher will not be available to students without an appointment or outside the scheduled office hours. 2. Using the online working group. 3. By videoconference (by appointment) or e-mail.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000