Guia docente 2018_19
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Galician language
Topic Sub-topic
Fonética And spelling The use of the grafías and the system fonético Galician.
The acentuación graphic.
Words of dubious spelling.
The signs of punctuation.
Grammar Substantive and adjective.
Pronome Personal.
Undefined and hash marks.
Relative, interrogativos and exclamativos.
The adverb.
The verb. The infinitivo combined. The perífrases verbal.
The elements of relation: prepositions and conjunctions.
The syntax oracional. Concordance nominal and verbal correlation. The building of the prayer.
Léxico And training of words Words patrimoniais, semicultismos and cultismos.
Groups consonánticos.
Suffices and terminacións.
Families léxicas irregular.
Interferences léxicas. Neoloxismos.
The accuracy léxica: selection of the léxico, incorreccións common, topical and abuses.
Processes of training of words and morphology léxica.
Derivación: prefixación And sufixación.
Other procedures.
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