Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Natural sciences learning
Subject Guide
Subject Natural sciences learning Code P02G110V01403
Study programme
Grao en Educación Infantil
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 2nd 2nd
Teaching language
Department Special Didactics
Álvarez Lires, María Mercedes
Serralle Marzoa, Jose Francisco
Álvarez Lires, María Mercedes
Serralle Marzoa, Jose Francisco
General description The Organic Law of Education (*L.lo.And) it establishes an area of knowledge designated Knowledge of the outline and interaction with the world, in the Childish Education, and presents the corresponding curriculum with an approach *globalizado to face discovered the a first approach of the *alumnado to the development of the basic competitions.

However, the necessary **afondamento in levels of upper training does that, for example, in the university level, the matter Knowledge of the Half Natural, Social and Cultural was object of investigation and teaching by part of *profesorado specialist.

The university educational practice and the lines of didactic investigation, in this field, have to contemplate methodologies and conceptual constructions, **procedementais and *actitudinales, always in interaction, relative to global problems of actuality such as the referred to the environment and to the sustainable development and with the horizon of the development of the basic competitions. In this way, splitting of the own methodologies of the didactic of the sciences, can use the approaches *C-**T-**S, the ones of the construction of the knowledge around global problems, the ones of scientific and technical literacy of the citizenship, or the ones of the Education in Global Science, that have to include the introduction of the *transversalidad, loaning special attention to the equality between men and women, inside a model *integrador .
In the present course will continue with the experimentation of the Project of Innovation: "DESIGN And IMPLANTATION OF PROCEDURES And INSTRUMENTS OF EVALUATION IN DEGREES And *POSTGRADOS Through The PLATFORM FEAR: QUESTIONNAIRES **KPSI, *RÚBRICAS And CONCEPTUAL MAPS IN DIGITAL FORMAT" (Slope of Resolution *Rectoral), consistent in:
In this frame propose the design and implantation of procedures that *inciden in the process of learning (formative evaluation and **formadora, in which the *alumnado is **corresponsable) through the following instruments: Questionnaires or forms **Knowledge **and *Prior **Study **Inventory (**KPSI), *Rúbricas or matrices of assessment and Conceptual Maps. All they are inserted in the combination between the cooperative work and the individual, as well the processes of learning take place socially, the learning is individual. In the case of the Conceptual Maps also use like proofs of execution or realisation.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000