Educational guide 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grao en Enxeñaría en Electrónica Industrial e Automática
  Sistemas de control en tempo real
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Bibliografía Básica José Luis Camaño, Presentaciones utilizadas en la asignatura,
B. Gallmeister, POSIX.4,
W.Y.Svcek, D.P. Mahoney, B.R. Young, A real time approach to process control, 2013,
Bibliografía Complementaria R. Krten, The QNX Cookbok - Recipes for programmers,
Q. Li, C. Yao, Real-time concepts for embedded systems,
T. Wilmshurst, R. Toulson, Fast and effective embedded systems design: applying the ARM mbed,
C. Hallinan, Embedded Linux primer: a practical real-world approach,
QNX Systems, QNX Neutrino Documentation,
A. Forrai, Embedded Control System Design: A Model Based Approach, 2012,
V. Giurgiutiu, S.E. Lyshevski, Micromechatronics: Modeling, Analysis, and Design with MATLAB, Second Edition, 2011,
T. Wescott, Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems, 2011,
J. Albahari, Threading in C#, 2011,
M. Barr, Programming embedded systems in C and C++, 1999,
I.C. Bertolotti, G. Manduchi, Real-Time embedded systems, 2012,
D.R. Butenhof, Programming with POSIX threads,
D Buttlar, J. Farrell, B. Nichols, Pthreads programming: a POSIX standard for better multiprocessing,
P. Embree, D. Danieli, C++ algorithms for digital signal processing, 1998,
A. Freeman, Pro .NET 4 parallel programming in C#,
P.A. Laplante, Real-time systems design and analysis, 2011,
H.W: Lawson, Parallel processing in industrial real-time applications,
S.J. Norton, M.D. DePasquale, M. DiPasquale, Thread time: the multithreaded programming guide, 1996,
M. Short, A Practitioner's Guide to Real Time and Embedded Control, 2014,
M.O. Tokhi, Parallel computing for real-time signal processing and control,
A. Williams, C++ concurrency in action: practical multithreading, 2012,
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