Guia docente 2017_18
E. U. de Estudios Empresariales
Grao en Comercio
  Company: Basics of marketing techniques
Topic Sub-topic
I. Introduction. Marketing genearl concepts.
1. Concept and content of the marketing
1.1 Marketing as philosophy and activity
1.2 Nature and extent of the marketing
1.3 The market orientation of the company
1.4 Total campaign of marketing management. The marketin plan.
1.5 The management of the marketing in the company
II. Strategic Marketing. Commercial information
2. Commercial information
2.1 The need of the information in the management of marketing
2.2 The marketing information system
2.3 Concept, content and applications of the commercial research
2.4 Phases of the commercial research
3. Segmentation and positioning 3.1 Concept and utility of the segmentation
3.2 Process of segmentation
3.3 Technicians of segmentation
3.4 The positioning in the bought
4. Consumer Purchase behaviour 4.1 The behaviour of the consumer
4.2 Approaches of behaviour of the consumer
4.3 Factors that affect to consumer behaviour
4.4 The purchase decision process
III. Operative Marketing: Commercial Strategies.
5. Product.
5.1 Concept of product
5.2 Produc classifications
5.3 Individual product related decisions
5.4 Products portfolio related decisions
5.5 Product life cycle
5.6 New product development process
6. Price 6.1 Concept of price
6.2 Price definition process
6.3 Price strategies
7. Communication 7.1 The communication
7.2 The decision of communication
7.3 Mass communication
7.4 Customized or personal communication
8. Distribution 8.1 The channel of distribution
8.2 The functions of the distribution channel 8.3 Design of the channel
8.4 Management of the channel
8.5 The physical and logistical distribution
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