Educational guide 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Telecommunication Engineering
  Distributed Computing
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Short answer tests Examinations composed by a series of short answer questions and/or test type ones that the student will have to answer in the classroom individually. 70 A2
Reports / memories of practice Detailed report of the tasks during the realisation of the practices of laboratory carried out in group. 10 A2
Systematic observation Observation by the professor of the work carried out by the students in the classroom during the realisation of the practices of laboratory carried out in group. Level of participation in those practices and functioning of the work carried out. 20 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

The students can decide being evaluated according to a model of continuous evaluation (reviewed previously) or realise a final examination. The fact a student answer the first examination of continuous evaluation means he/she opts by this model of evaluation (in contrary case he/she opts by the model of final examination). Once the students opt by the model of continuous evaluation their qualification will not be able to be never "No presented".

Plagiarism and copy are not allowed.


To surpass the course requires a minimum qualification of 5 points. The qualification will be the result to add the qualifications received in each one of the following parts:

  • Written exam 1:
    • Dates: On the fourth week of the course
    • Individually
    • Contents: Given until this moment
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum punctuation = 5 points
  • Written exam 2:
    • Dates: Official calendar (coinciding with the final examination for those that opted by this modality)
    • Individually
    • Contents: Given until this moment excepting those that already were evaluated in the written exam 1.
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum punctuation = 2 points
  • Practices:
    • Dates: Weeks 6, 7, and 8
    • In group:
      • Reports / memories of practice: The same mark is asigned to each member of the group.
      • Systematic observation: A personalized mark is asigned to each member of the group. This mark is based on the observation by the professor of the work carried out by each student in the classroom during the realisation of the practices of laboratory.
    • Maximum punctuation = 3 points


To surpass the course requires a minimum qualification of 5 points.

  • Written exam:
    • Dates: Official calendar
    • Individually
    • Contents: Given in the whole course (including practical).
    • Type: Series of short answer questions and/or test type ones
    • Maximum punctuation = 10 points


The students will be evaluated using the modality of "final examination"

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000