Guia docente 2017_18
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Telecommunication Engineering
  Digital and Analog Mixed Circuits
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Tutored works he student, individually or in group, elaborates a document on the thematic of the matter or prepares seminars, investigations, memories, essays, summaries of reading, conferences, etc. 10 A1
Laboratory practises It values the participation of the student in the practices of laboratory: preparation of previous tasks, fulfillment of the aims posed in each practice and back tasks in which the student analyses the results, compares them with the expected and presents the conclusions. They can apply to the tests of continuous or final assessment. 15 B8
Short answer tests Tests that include direct questions about an specific topic. The student has to answer of direct form in virtue of the knowledge that has on the subject. The answer is brief. They can apply to the tests of continuous evaluation or to the final examination. 25 A1
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Tests that include activities of laboratory and/or TIC, problems or cases to resolve. The students have to give answer to the activity formulated by reflecting, in a practical way, the theoretical and practical knowledge that have been learnt in the subject, using, if it is necessary, the equipment or instrumentation of the practices carried out in the course. They can apply to the tests of continuous or final assessment. 25 B8
Multiple choice tests Tests that include direct questions about an specific topic with answers of multiple selection. They can apply to the tests of continuous or final assessment. 25 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous evaluation

The continuous
evaluation is divided in five parts (with their respective weights): the
progress in the practices in the laboratory (15%), tutored works (10%), the practical test (25%), a
test of short answers (25%) and a test of multiple choices (25%). The final
mark is on a maximum of 10 points.

 The final mark is the sum of the partial marks
obtained in each part, if the students fulfill the following conditions:

  • Have carried out a minimum of the 80% of the
    practices of laboratory.
  • Obtain a minimum mark of the 40% in each part of the

If it does not fulfill any of the previous requirements, the final mark will be the sum of the marks of each part, but limited to the 40% of the maximum note (4 points).

To pass, the students have to obtain an equal total punctuation or upper to the 50% of the maximum mark (5 points).

The practical test will take place in the last session of laboratory classes. The tests of multiple choice and the short answers will can be divided in two sessions spread along the period of teaching.

2. Final exam

Students who fail the course in continuous assessment will take a final exam.

The final exam will consist of a practical and a theoretical test, each corresponding to 50% of the total mark. To pass the student must obtain at least the 40% in each part and must sum a total of at least 5 points.

3. Call for recovery

The call for recovery will be like the final exam.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000