Guia docente 2017_18
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
  Physics: Fundamentals of Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Multiple choice tests Multiple-choice questions about theoretical concepts. Solving of elementary cases and situations related to the topics in both the classroom and laboratory syllabi. 25 B3
Short answer tests Short answer questions about theoretical concepts. Solving of elementary cases and situations related to the topics in both the classroom and laboratory syllabi. 25 B3
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Practical tests: Solving of problems involving one or more theoretical topics. Execution of real and simulated measurements. Real- and simulated-measurement result processing. 50 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

(This is a translation, in case of any discrepancy or dispute, the original Spanish version shall prevail.)

Following the particular guidelines of this degree, the students taking this subject will be offered two alternative assessment systems: continuous assessment and single end-of-semester assessment.

It will be assumed that a student chooses continuous assessment if he or she takes and hands the third assessment exercise in (see below) and that he or she chooses single end-of-semester assessment if he or she does not hand the aforementioned exercise in. Once the results of this exercise are handed in, it will be understood that the student has taken the current term's examination call and he or she will be qualified according to the following criterion, regardless of whether he or she takes the final test or not.


Continuous assessment consists of the exercises detailed below in this guide which are not retakeable, i.e, if a student is not able to take them in the scheduled date the teaching staff will not be required to repeat them.

As a general rule, the marks of each exercise will be published before the next one. The marked exercises may be revised, during the tutorial-aid hours of the corresponding lecturer , along the fourteen days following the publication date of the marks.

The marks obtained in the tests will be only valid for the academic term they have been obtained.

First assessment exercise:

a1) Experimental laboratory exercise comprising the execution of actual measurements and the processing of the results, consisting in taking the experimental laboratory class number 3, individually processing (during the last 30 minutes) the assessable results specified in the corresponding experiment guide and handing them in at the end of the class (mark: between 0 and 1 point).

Second assessment exercise:

b1) Combined test with multiple-choice and short-answer questions and exercises. Questions about theoretical concepts. Solving of elementary cases and situations related to the topics in the classroom syllabus (mark: between 0 and 1 point).

Length: 30 minutes during one of the theory or problem-solving lectures. Its date will appear in the assessment test schedule that the Academic Board of the Degree will approve.

Third assessment exercise:

c1) Experimental laboratory exercise comprising the execution of actual measurements and the processing of the results, consisting in taking the experimental laboratory class number 5, individually processing (during the last 30 minutes) the assessable results specified in the corresponding experiment guide and handing them in at the end of the class (mark: between 0 and 1 point).

Fourth exercise, continuous assessment final test:

Combined test with:

d1) questions and exercises, multiple-choice and short-answer questions, (mark: between 0 and 5 points distributed among them)

e1) solving of one or two problems, (mark: between 0 and 3.4 points distributed between them)

f1) solving of a problem comprising the execution of real or simulated measurements and the processing of the results (mark: between 0 and 1.6 points).

Length: 2 hours in the subject's official examination date.

Overall mark calculation.

g1) will be calculated as the sum of the marks obtained in blocks b1), d1) and e1) plus the lowest of 2 points and the sum of blocks a1), c1) and f1)

g1 = b1 + d1 + e1 + min{ 2 , a1 + c1 + f1 }

The overall mark will be the lowest of 10 points or g1)

overall mark = min{ 10, g1 }


Final overall test:

Combined test with:

d2) questions and exercises, multiple-choice and short-answer questions, (mark: between 0 and 5 points distributed among them)

e2) solving of one or two problems, (mark: between 0 and 3.4 points distributed between them)

f2) solving of a problem comprising the execution of real or simulated measurements and the processing of the results (mark: between 0 and 1.6 points).

Length: 2 hours in the subject's official examination date.

Overall mark calculation:

g2) will be calculated as the sum of the marks obtained in blocks d2), e2) and f2)

g2 = d2 + e2 + f2

The overall mark will be g2)

overall mark = g2


Resit exam:

Combined test with:

d3) questions and exercises, multiple-choice and short-answer questions, (mark: between 0 and 5 points distributed among them)

e3) solving of one or two problems, (mark: between 0 and 3.4 points distributed between them)

f3) solving of a problem comprising the execution of real or simulated measurements and the processing of the results (mark: between 0 and 1.6 points).

Length: 2 hours in the subject's official resit date.

Final mark calculation:

The students who did not pass the subject and attend the resit exam will obtain a mark according to the following criteria:

3A) Students who had chosen continuous assessment

g3A) will be calculated as the sum of the marks obtained in blocks b1), d3) and e3) plus the lowest of 2 points and the sum of blocks a1), c1) and f3)

g3A = b1 + d3 + e3 + min{ 2 , a1 + c1 + f3 }

The overall mark will be the lowest of 10 points or g3A)

overall mark = min{ 10, g3A }

3B) Students who had chosen end-of-semester assessment

g3B) will be calculated as the sum of the marks obtained in blocks d3), e3) and f3)

g3B = d3 + e3 + f3

The overall mark will be g3B)

overall mark = g3B


I) All of the aforesaid calculations will be performed with a resolution equal to or better than one hundredth of a point (0,01 point).

II) The overall marks will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 0,1 point (one tenth of a point); if the two nearest multiples of 0,1 point are equidistant, the overall mark will be rounded to the higher of them.

III) The mark scale is established on the understanding that the minimum overall mark necessary to pass the subject is 5,0 points.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000