Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de Biología
Grao en Bioloxía
  Biology: Evolution
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Laboratory practises They Will realize four practices of 3 or 4 hours of length #each:

1. Recognition of fossils and interpretation of the Register Fossil (3 hours). The students will confront the a series *estratigráfica real, with fossils included in the his environment *tafonómico and will have to learn the keys of the his interpretation.

2. Analysis *filogenético (3 hours). The main objectives of the practice is that the students learn to apply the *herrramientas simpler of the analysis *filogenético. Stop this will use a small group of data of different species and, selecting the characters, will expose a hypothesis *filogenética of that joint of organisms, so as to interpret the evolutionary relations go in the groups.

3. Human evolution (4 hours). Human evolution. One of the main tools stop the study of human evolution is the comparison of fossils of different hominids. The practice will allow that the students confront the a collection of replies of fossils of hominids and that, centering in ones few characters, infer the evolutionary relations go in they. Evaluation of the practical: fill an individual questionnaire at the end of the practical.

4. Practice of visualization of Videos (3 hours). Format of audiovisual communication and evolutionary divulging. *Visionado Of series of evolutionary videos. Discussion and *repaso of concepts and evolutionary mechanisms. Manufacture of report of understanding of the come visualized pole student. Explanation of the protocol of manufacture of scripts to realize come short. Manufacture, by part of the student, of a script stop one come evolutionary. The evaluation of the practice will do in base to the report and to the script elaborated poles students.
Outdoor study / field practices The students will displace the a zone of the *intermareal rocky, so as to observe *cópulas *in *situ of an or several species or *alternativamente capture exemplary in different stadiums of the his cycle of life. This will allow to obtain estimates of components of selection and of the sexual isolation for qualitative characters (colour of the *cuncha, for example). The practice is designed to do in 3 hours, although it is necessary another hour to displace to the place of *mostraxe. Evaluation: the students will work in groups and each group will be responsible to obtain a series of data, sum them up, #analyze and interpreted in have evolutionary. It Will present *via FEAR a *excel stop each group stop his evaluation.
Master Session To the students #describe them the *temario main of the course in an only group. The information detailed envelope the content of the kinds will find the disposal of the students in the platform SUBJECT in advance in files *PDF. In the platform SUBJECT be able to be realized any complementary activities to the kinds *maxistrais.
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