Guia docente 2017_18
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Morfosintaxe do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
Tema Subtema
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE LINGUISTIC STUDY OF ENGLISH (week 1) 1.1. The morphosyntactic study of English
1.2. Language variation: Registers, dialects, standard and vernacular English
1.3. Descriptive and prescriptive approaches to grammar
UNIT 2: AN OVERVIEW OF GRAMMATICAL UNITS: (week 1-2) 2.1. Sentence, clause, phrase and word
2.2. Category vs function
2.3. Word and lexeme categories: the parts of speech
2.4. Survey of lexical words and function words
2.5. The structure of phrases
2.6. Structure of words: Inflection vs derivation
2.7. Word-formation processes
UNIT 3: CLAUSE STRUCTURE (week 3-4) 3.1. Introduction
3.2. The subject
3.3. The object
3.4. Predicative complements
3.5. Types of clause structures
3.6. Multi-word lexical verbs: Phrasal, prepositional and phrasal-prepositional verbs
3.7. Adverbials
UNIT 4: THE VERB PHRASE (week 5) 4.1. The verb phrase
4.2. Finite vs non-finite verbs
4.3. Auxiliary vs lexical verbs
4.4. An overview of tense, aspect, voice and modality
UNIT 5: THE ADJECTIVE AND THE ADVERB PHRASE (week 6) 5.1. Characteristics of adjectives
5.2. The structure and function of adjective phrases
5.3. Characteristics of adverbs
5.4. The structure and function of adverb phrases
6.1. The structure of prepositional phrases
6.2. PP complements in clause structure
UNIT 7: SUBORDINATION AND CONTENT CLAUSES (week 7-8-9) 7.1. Subordinate clauses
7.2. Clause type in content clauses
7.3. Functions of content clauses
UNIT 8: NON-FINITE CLAUSES (week 10) 8.1 Kinds of non-finite clause
8.2 The form of non-finite clauses
8.3. The functions of non-finite clauses
UNIT 9: RELATIVE CLAUSES (week 11) 9.1. Types of relative clauses
9.2. Function of relative clauses
9.2. Relative words
UNIT 10: THE NOUN PHRASE (week 12-13) 10.1. Introduction
10.2. Determiners
10.3. Complements
10.4. Internal and external modifiers
10.5. Pronouns
10.6. Genitive case
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