Guia docente 2016_17
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Degree in Industrial Organisation Engineering
  Mathematics: Algebra and Statistics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Students will make several mid-term exams of Algebra and Statistics during the course. 40 por cento en Álxebra; 20 por cento en Estatística B3
Long answer tests and development At the end of the semestre there will a final exam of Algebra and a final exam of Statistics. 60 por cento en Álxebra; 80 por cento en Estatística B3
Other comments on the Evaluation
<p>At the end of the first quarter, once the mid-term exams and the final exams have been done, the student will have a grade out of 10 points in Algebra (A) and a grade out of 10 points in Statistics (S). The final qualification of the subject will be calculated as follows:</p><p>- If both grades, A and S, are greater or equal to 3.5, then the final grade will be (A+S)/2.</p><p>- Any of the grades A or S is less than 3.5, then the final qualification will be the minimum of the quantities (A+S)/2 and 4.5.</p><p>The students who are exempted by the School from taking the mid-term exams will be evaluated through a final exam of Algebra (100% of the grade of this part) and a final exam of Statistics (100% of the grade of this part). The final grade will be calculated according to procedure described above.</p><p>A student will be assigned to NP (&quot;absent&quot;) if he/she is absent in both final exams (i.e. Algebra and Statistics); otherwise he/she will be graded according the the procedure described above.</p><p>The assessment in the second call (June/July) will be done by means of a final exam of Algebra and a final exam of Statistics (100% of the grade of each part).&nbsp;The final grade will be calculated according to procedure described above.</p><p>If at the end of the first quarter a student obtains a grade equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 in any of the parts of the subject (Algebra or Statistics) then he/she will keep this grade in the second call (June/July) without retaking the corresponding exam.</p><div><p><b><br /></b></p><p><b>&#8233;Ethical commitment: </b>Students are expected to commit&nbsp;themselves to an adequate and ethical behaviour. Students showing unethical behaviours (exam cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices, etc.) will be&nbsp;rated with the minimum grade (0.0) in the current academic year.</p><p>As a general rule, the use of any electronic device for the assessment tests is not allowed unless explicitly authorized.</p><p><b>Responsible lecturers by group:</b></p><p>Grupo A: Eduardo Godoy Malvar / Celia Rodríguez Campos</p><p>Grupo B: Alberto Martín Méndez / José María Matías Fernández</p><p>Grupo C: Alberto Castejón Lafuente / José María Matías Fernández</p><p>Grupo D: Cecilio Fonseca Bon / Gloria Fiestras Janeiro</p><p>Grupo G: José Ramón Fernández García / Carlos Villaverde Taboada</p><p>Grupo H: José Ramón Fernández García / María Gómez Rúa</p><p>Grupo I: Cecilio Fonseca Bon / José María Matías Fernández</p><p>Grupo J: Jaime Díaz de Bustamante / Ricardo Luaces Pazos</p><p>Grupo K: Cecilio Fonseca Bon / Carlos Villaverde Taboada</p><p>Grupo L: Cecilio Fonseca Bon / Juan Carlos Pardo Fernández</p></div>
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000