Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Inorganic chemistry II
   Learning outcomes
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
Classify ligands and coordination compounds, as well as recognize the presence of isomers. C12
Define the global and steps thermodynamic stability constants of one complex and describe the chelate, macrocyclic and cryptate effects C2
Deduce the spectroscopic terms for stable electronic configurations of the transition metals in a coordination compound C9
Construct and interpret a qualitative energy diagram of molecular orbitals in octahedral complexes C12
Interpret the electronic spectra of octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes of transition metals and rationalize their magnetic behavior C8
Describe the different mechanisms of substitution and rationalize the various products obtained in substitution reactions in octahedral and square planar complex. C7
Describe how you can get metals from their natural resources C9
Being able to differentiate the behavior between the elements of the first transition series and the second and third. C9
Predicting the reactivity of the metal oxides, halides and of those of the coordination compounds based on the bond and on the oxidation state of the metal. C9
Rationalize the thermodynamic stability of coordination compounds, depending on the oxidation state of the metal and the type of ligand. C9
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