Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Biological chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
1.Biomolecules Carbohydrates: Classification and structure.
Lipids: Classification and structure. Biological functions of the lipids.
Proteins: Structure and configuration of the proteins. Relation structure -function.
Nucleic Acids: Structure and function.
2.Biocatalisis Nomenclature and classification of the enzymes
Enzymatic Kinetics
Mechanisms of the enzymatic reactions
Effect of the temperature in the
enzymatic reaction and inhibition
Quantification of the enzimatic activity.
Alosteric enzymes
3.Vitamins and coenzymes Structure and role in metabolic reactions
4.Metabolism of glucides Degradative Metabolism of glucides: glycolysis.
Metabolic crossroad of pyruvate. Degradative Oxidation of acetil-CoA.
Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Oxidative Route of the pentoses phosphate. Gluconeogénesis. Metabolism of glycogen.
5. Metabolism of lipids Degradation of lipids: oxidation of fatty acids .
Biosynthesis of fatty acids.
6. Metabolism of proteins Proteolisis.
Degradation of amino acids.
Destination of the ion ammonium.
Biosynthesis of amino acids.
7.Metabolism of nucleotides Degradation of nucleic acids and nucleotides.
Biosynthesis of nucleotides.
8.Experimental methods in Biochemistry Technics for synthesis and isolation of biomolécules
Separation, determination and identification of proteins
Determination and quantification of lipids
Determination and quantification of glycogen
Evaluation of the enzymatic activity. Effect of the temperature and inhibition
Polymerase chain reaction.
Utilisation of restriction enzymes
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