Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Physical oceanography II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Master Session Main course topics explained. Divided in 8 parts and a series of lectures concerning recent/important subjects in physical oceanography 70 A2
Seminars During the seminars the student will be asked to solve several theoretical and practical subjects taken from real cruises/data. At the end of the seminar a questionnaire must be solved (and evaluated) 30 A2
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Exercises will be discussed in groups and with the teacher at very instance of the process. 0 D4
Practice in computer rooms Physical oceanography instruments and software will be described and used. A 4 hours- long oceanographical cruise will be done. 0 D4
Other comments on the Evaluation

It is necessary to have approved with a minimum qualification of 5 both the final exam and the questionnaires,  and have presented all the required works (seminars and practical) to approve the course. While the seminar works are individual, works from e memories of practical can be delivered of INDIVIDUAL form or *GRUPAL (with groups no upper to 5 students), always inside a term established in class. Any memory presented out of term will have an equal qualification to 0. The cycle of presentations that realises in class goes compulsory in the theory of the examination.

The questionnaires consist in 10 questions that have each one 5 options, with a value of a point each question. Only one of the possible options is correct. If two questions are answered of wrong form subtracts 1 point to the questionnaire. The works (memories of seminars and practical) consider apt or no apt, do not carry notice. If the note obtained by a student in the final examination is greater that the obtained in the seminars, will appear in the final record the note of the examination, that will not see  like this diminished by the one of questionnaires. If the note of the examination is lower that the one of the questionnaires, calculated a final note using the proportion examination 70% questionnaires 30%. The questionnaires can repeat, if the professor considers it necessary, so that the students can improve his note, but always answering to different questions for a determinate subject. The valid note final for a questionnaire will be the always the corresponding to the last questionnaire realised, without averages neither others adjust.

The assessment of questionnaires keeps during two academic courses. Happened this term, the student will have to redo the questionnaires.

It requires the students who pursue this matter in a
responsible and honest conduct. It is deemed inadmissible any form of fraud (i.e. copy
and / or plagiarism) aimed to distort the level of knowledge or skill achieved
by a student in any type of test, work or report designed for this purpose.
This fraudulent conduct shall be punished with firmness and rigor that current

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