Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Company: Company management
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Financial direction. 1.1. Nature and function of the financial management
1.2. The decision to invest
1.3. The balance of the economic and financial structures: profitability and solvency.
Subject 2. Direction of operations. 2.1. The concept of production and the selection of the productive process.
2.2. The aims of the direction of operations. The aim of costs: productivity, break-even point and operational leverage
2.3. Planning, programming and control of the production. The method PERT.
2.4. Basic appearances of the management of inventories. The management of deterministic inventories
Subject 3. Commercial direction. 3.1. The commercial function in the company
3.2. Marketing: concept and evolution
3.3. The management of the marketing
Subject 4. Direction of human resources. 4.1. Approaches and aims of the direction of Human Resources
4.2. Analysis and planning of the Human Resources
4.3. Processes of affectation, recruitment and contracting
4.4. Development, training and management of careers
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