Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Biología
Máster Universitario en Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
  Ingeniería Celular y Tisular
   Fuentes de información

- R. Ian Freshney. Culture of animal cells. A manual of Basic Research. Ed. Wiley-Liss and sons. Inc. Publications. New York
- Irving L. Weissman and Judith A. Shizuru. The origins of the identification and isolation of hematopoietic stem cells, and their capability to induce donor-specific transplantation tolerance and treat autoimmune diseases. Blood, Vol112, Number 9
- Tizianao Barberi and Lorenz Studer. Methods in enzymology. Vol. 418. Differentiation of embryonic stem cells. Cap. 12: Mesenchymal Cells.
- Ferraris. Histologia, Embriologia E Ingenieria Tisular (Spanish Edition), 2009. Ed. Medica Panamericana.
- Benítez Burraco, A. 2005. Avances recientes en Biotecnología vegetal e ingeniería genética de plantas. Editorial Reverté.
- Loyola-Vargas, VM e Vázquez-Flota, F. 2006. Plant cell culture protocols- Humana Press 2nd Edition.
- Trigiano, R.N. e Gray, DJ. 2004. Plant development and biotechnology. CRC Press

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