Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Social research techniques and methodologies applied to public administrations
Topic Sub-topic
1. The science as cognitive paradigm and the
scientific condition of the Social Sciences.
Ontology, epistemology and methodology of the Science. The methodological plurality.
2. The research as process; designs and
The formulation and operacionalizaion of the problem. Designs and strategies.
3. Qualitative techniques of research. Observation and documentary selection. The interview and the discussion group.
4. Quantitative techniques for data collection. Questionaries. Sampling. Scales. Official statistical sources.
5. Quantitative techniques for data analysis. Population and sampling. Types of sampling. Confidence levels, error and sampling size. Contrasts of hypothesis and confidence intervals.
6. Computing applied to the resolution of practical cases. Use of computer programs.
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