Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Máster Universitario en Dirección Integrada de Proxectos: Especialidade Edificación e Desenvolvemento Territorial
  A3 Integration Management and Project Scope
Topic Sub-topic
Subject I. The management of the integration in the project: key element of the integrated direction
Subject II. The Development of the Record of Constitution of the Project: examples
Subject III. The Development of the Plan of Management of the Project
Subject IV. The Integrated Control of Changes: the management of the change
Subject V. The Development of the document of closing of the project
Subject SAW. The identification of requirements of a project: tools
Subject VII. The Definition of the scope of a project
Subject VIII. Creation of the structure of breakdown of the work (*EDT) of a project step by step
Subject IX. The Verification of the scope of a project.
Subject X. The control of the scope of a project
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