Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Vocal technique and choir practice
Topic Sub-topic
Know the physiology and vocal pathology, his didactic and pedagogical value in the classroom of music.
Techniques for it correct vocal audible broadcast.
Pedagogy of the voice for boys/*tie them the 5 years.
Learn the basic techniques of broadcast and placing of the voice, to use distinct vocal bells pupils of determined and indeterminate sound.

Breath: **toracica and **diafragmática

Know create a childish vocal repertoire.
Knowledge of the criteria to create a **cancionero childish
Know adapt a vocal piece **polifónica it a school time.

Knowledge of the harmonic norms.
Realize arrangements and adaptations for organic vowels *predetermined Knowledge of the harmonic norms.
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