Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Music in cultures
Topic Sub-topic
1. The functions of the music It. Music how culture
*b. Social functions of the music
*c. The music how *marcador social: ethnic, geographical, political, of *edade, etc.
2. The music in the literate tradition European: Any approximations It. The world of the opera
*b. Music, literature and poetry in the mediaeval world
*c. Music and art in the European romanticism
3. The music of oral and popular tradition It. Concepts of traditional and popular music.
*b. Presence of the music in the traditional societies
*c. The popular music in the *s. XX
4. Approximation to the past musical demonstrations or current, and manufacture of one project It. The election of the object and the selection of the sources of information.
*b. Manufacture of the project
*c. Presentation of the project
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