Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Teaching of mathematics for childhood education
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities Introduction and presentation of the matter.
Distribution of the basic documentation.
Bibliographic references recommended.
Information on the works in group and the subjects.
Training of the groups and election of the work.
Guidelines and methods for the exhibition of the works.
Calendar of the exhibitions.
Master Session Presentation and explanation of the contents.
Synthesis and reflection on the contents.
Presentation of materials for the education of the mathematics.
The student will incorporate to his fascicle of work the development of the contents and the documents that deliver the professor.
Group tutoring The groups of work will inform to the professor on the subject chosen.
The professor will give the pertinent indications and will advise on the best form to present it and expose it.
Tutored works The students will form groups to work and expose a monographic subject of Didactic of the Mathematics in the Childish Education.
The subjects will be proposed by the professor and chosen by the groups. They can be proposed other subjects whenever they are subjected to the consideration of the professor.
Each group will inform to the professor of the subject chosen, the members of the group and the initial bibliography. The works will go assigning by rigorous order of application.
Presentations / exhibitions The calendar for the exhibitions will be established by the professor second academic criteria that will give to know to the students.
They will have to deliver to the professor a copy written as well as a summary of the even in computer support.
The works will be exposed of oral form by all the members of the group being compulsory the assistance to all the exhibitions.
In the classroom *propiciará the reflection and discussion on the exposed subjects.
The summaries of all the exposed works will remain the disposal of the students so that **podan incorporate them to his fascicle of work.
Workshops Exhibition, knowledge and direct work with different games of rules and manipulatives material for mathematics in the Childish Education.
Query and study of his utility.
Notes and collected of information that will be incorporated to the fascicle of work.
The assistance is compulsory. His control by means of signature.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000