Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Teaching of mathematics for childhood education
Topic Sub-topic
Block 1: Development of the mathematical thought

1. The mathematics and the Childish Education.

1.1. The importance of the Childish Education.
1.2. Theories of learning.
1.3. Sense of the mathematical education
in the Childish Education.
2. The development of the numerical concepts.

2.1. The learning of the arithmetical concepts.
2.2. Development of the numerical concepts.
2.3. The development of the capacity to add and subtract.
2.4. The representation and the meaning of the numbers.
2.5. Final comment on the Arithmetic.

3. The space thought.

3.1. Introduction. Importance of the space thought.
3.2. The concept of space.
3.3. The theory of van Hiele.
3.4. Development of some space concepts.
3.5. Conclusions on the representation of the space.
4. The magnitudes and the measure.

4.1. The magnitudes and the measure.
Acquisition of the concepts of magnitude and measure. Main stadiums.
4.2. Length.
4.3. Mass and weight.
4.4. Volume and capacity.
4.5. Time and money.
4.6. Conclusions on magnitude and measure.
Block 2: Didactic of the mathematics in the Childish Education.

5. The process of education – learning.

5.1. Education and learning.
5.2. The learning of mathematical concepts.
5.3. The learning in mathematics according to Dienes.
5.4. The theory of situations of Brousseau.
5.5. The education of the Mathematics in the Childish Education.

6. Aims and mathematical contents in the curriculum of the childish education.

6.1. Aims of the education in mathematics
6.2. Contents of mathematics in the childish education.
6.2. The international panorama. Official guidelines.
7. Resources and material.

7.1. The game and the education in mathematics.
7.2. The workshop of mathematics.
7.3. The resources and the materials in the childish education.
7.4. The materials for the mathematics.
7.5. Resources and bibliography.
8. The mathematical activity in the Childish Education.

8.1. The problems. The communication. The reasoning. The Connections.
8.2. Properties and relations of objects and collections.
8.3. The number.
8.4. Forms, orientation and representation in the space.
8.5. The measure.
9. Organisation of the contents.

9.1. Organisation and development of the contents.
9.2.- The globalisation and the connections with other blocks.
9.3.- *Secuenciación of the contents.
10. The evaluation in mathematics. 10.1. Functions, phases and **intrumentos for the evaluation.
11. The mathematics and the special education.
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