Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Geography for teachers
Code Description
B1 Know the aims, contents curriculares and criteria of evaluation of the Childish Education.
B2 Promote and facilitate the learnings in the first infancy, from a perspective globalizadora and integradora of the different cognitive dimensions, emotional, psicomotora and volitiva.
B3 Design and regulate spaces of learning in contexts of diversity that attend to the singular educational needs of the students, to the equality of gender, to the equity and to the respect to the human rights.
B4 Boost the convivencia in the classroom and out of her and tackle the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Know observe systematically contexts of learning and convivencia and know reflexionar on them.
B5 Reflexionar In group on the acceptance of norms and the respect to the other. Promote the autonomy and the singularity of each student like factors of education of the emotions, the feelings and the values in the first infancy.
B7 Know the educational implications of the technologies of the information and the communication and, in particular, of the television in the first infancy.
B11 Reflexionar On the practices of classroom for innovar and improve the educational work Purchase habits and skills for the autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it in the students.
C13 Analyse and incorporate of critical form the most notable questions of the current society that affect to the familiar and school education: social and educational impact of the audiovisual languages and of the screens; changes in the relations of gender and *intergeneracionales; multiculturalidad and interculturalidad; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development.
C24 Dominate the technicians of observation and register.
C29 Value the importance of the work in team.
C34 Know didactic strategies to develop numerical representations and space notions, geometrical and of logical development.
C36 Know the scientific methodology and promote the scientific thought and the experimentation.
C37 Purchase knowledges on the evolution of the thought, the habits, the beliefs and the social movements and politicians along the history.
C39 Elaborate didactic proposals in relation with the interaction science, technical, society and sustainable development.
C40 Promote the interest and the respect by the half natural, social and cultural through suitable didactic projects.
C41 Boost experiences of initiation to the technologies of the information and the communication.
C44 Know and dominate technicians of oral expression and written.
D1 Capacity of analysis and synthesis
D2 Capacity of organisation and planning
D3 oral and written Communication
D5 Knowledge of computer
D6 Capacity of management of the information
D7 Resolution of problems
D8 Takes of decisions
D9 Work in team
D12 Recognition of the diversity and multiculturalidad
D13 critical Reasoning
D14 ethical Commitment
D15 autonomous Learning
D16 Adaptation to new situations
D17 Creativity
D19 Knowledge of other cultures and habits
D21 Motivation by the quality
D22 Sensitivity by environmental subjects
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000