Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Mathematics for teachers: Childhood education
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities Diagnostic of previous knowledges.
*Introducción And presentation of the subject.
I deliver of the documentation base.
Bibliographic references recommended
Fascicle of work stop the groups.
Other activities, exercises and problems stop the work *autómo.
Master Session Presentation and explanation of the contained of the *temario.
Synthesis and reflection envelope the contents.
The student will incorporate to the fascicle of work the *desenvolvemeto of the *temario.
Classroom work Proposal of the professor of examples, problems and singular activities that contribute the a better understanding of the contained of each of the subjects.
The students will work in groups with the supervision and direction of the professor and will do exhibition of the resolutions.
They Will be able to employ the bibliography and the necessary materials.
In the classroom there will be communication and discussion of the different solutions *aportadas.
The activities, exercises and problems resolved will incorporate to the fascicle of work.
Tutored works Presentation of the fascicle of work and correction in the resolutions *aportadas.
Autonomous troubleshooting and / or exercises A fascicle with activities, exercises and complementary problems, of the subjects 2 to the 5, will serve so that the students work of individual and autonomous form. They Will be able to consult with the professor in the hours of *titoría *individualizada that determine .
The resolutions can be *incorparadas to the his fascicle of work.
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