Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Mathematics for teachers: Childhood education
Topic Sub-topic
1. The area of Mathematics in the curriculum of the Childish Education. (*)
2. Logic. Sets. Relations: Rankings and ordination. Operations
2.1 Elementary Logic. Logical operations.
2.2 intuitive Theory of sets. Operations with sets. Properties.
2.3 Equivalence relations . Order
relations 2.4 Correspondences and applications.
2.5 Laws of composition. Algebrics estructures
3. The number. History of the systems of numbering. The natural numbers: cardinal aspect and ordinal. Operations. Systems of numbering. Numerical groups. 2.1 Introducción and history of the numbers and of the systems of numbering.2.2 The group of the natural numbers.2.3 Operations with natural numbers. Properties.2.4 Ordenación in N. Number ordinal.2.5 Systems of numbering. Teorema Fundamental.2.6 Change of system of numbering. Operations in a system of numbering.2.7 The whole numbers. The rational numbers. Extension of Q. The real number.
4. The space. History of the Geometry. Fundamental concepts of Geometry.
Construccións Geometrical in the flat. Flat figures and bodies.
4.1 historical Introduction of the Geometry.
4.2 fundamental Concepts of Geometry.
4.3 Construccións geometrical in the flat.
4.4 geometrical Transformations in the flat.
4.5 Studio of polygons. Triangles. *Cuadriláteros.
4.6 Circunferencia and circle.
4.7 Polyhedrons. Prisms. Pyramids.
4.8 Bodies of revolution.
(*)5. The magnitudes and the measure. *Introducción And history. The metric system decimal. Magnitude and quantity. Measure of magnitudes. Estimate, errors. (*)5.1 *Introducción and history. The metric system decimal.5.2 Magnitude and quantity. Measure of magnitudes. Unity of measure.5.3 *Proporcionalidade direct and reverse. Proportional magnitudes.5.4 Length. Amplitude. Extension.5.5 Volume and capacity.5.6 Other magnitudes.5.7 Estimate of measure. Errors.
(*)7. The mathematical contents in the curriculum of the Childish Education. (*)
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