Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Language and literature: Galician
Topic Sub-topic
I. History of the tongue 1. 1. The training of the Galician tongue.
1. 2. The Galician in the Half Age.
1. 3. The Dark Centuries.
1. 4. The century XIX.
1. 5. The century XX.
II. Tongue and society 2. 1. The language and the communication. Essential characteristics of the language.
2. 2. The study of the tongue. The Linguistics and the Grammar. The Sociolingüística and the Sociology of the Language.
2. 3. Unit and variety of the Galician tongue.
2. 4. Oral tongue and tongue written. Didactic of the pronunciation and of the spelling. The development of the writing.
2. 5. The linguistic situation in the world: diversity versus uniformity.
2. 6. The judgements in fact versus the judgements of value.
2. 7. The linguistic prejudices: definition and any examples.
2. 8. Tongues hexemónicas and tongues minorizadas.
2. 9. The relation between estatus of tongue and political power-economic.
2. 10. Fields of use of the Galician: teaching, media, church, administration, etc.
2. 11. The tongues of international communication versus the tongues threatened.
2. 12. Distinction between linguistic community and political community.
2. 13. Legal principles stop the recovery of the tongues threatened. Personality and Territoriality.
2. 14. Tongues in contact: the Galician case. Bilingualism and diglosia.
2. 14. 1. Definitions.
2. 14. 2. Conceptual accuracies envelope to diglosia.
2. 14. 3. Linguistic interferences derived of the contact between tongues.
2. 15. The normalization and the normativización.
2. 15. 1. Accuracies terminolóxicas.
2. 15. 2. The legal situation of the Galician.
2. 15. 3. The normativización.
III. Oral tradition and folklore 3.1. The popular literature of oral tradition.
3.2. Of the literature of oral tradition to the tradition written of author.
IV. Literature 4.1. Brief history of the Galician literature.
4.2. Specificity of the Galician literature.
4.3. The comment of text.
4.4. The language and the literature.
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