Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Musical expression and its teaching
Topic Sub-topic
1. Know the elements of the music, stops his didactic and pedagogical application 1.1. Parameters of the are and dimensions of the music.
1.2. Exercises and games stop the perception of the elements of the music (*Willems).
2. Learn the *grafías conventional and no conventional basic of the musical language. 2.1. Writing *rítmica.
2.2. Melodic writing.
2.3. Dictated *rítmicos /melodic.
2.4. *Grafías Alternative.
3. Know create musical activities to solve problems of understanding and *destreza musical. 3.1. Activities *perceptivas.
3.2. Activities of reaction.
3.3. Activities of *conciencia musical.
3.4. Models of dictated musical.
4. Know adapt a musical piece to activities *lúdicas. 4.1. Music and word.
4.2. Music movement.
4.2. Music and *transversalidade.
5. Know use a vocal and instrumental repertoire for childish . 5.1. School repertoire.
5.2. Traditional repertoire.
5.3. Songs with gestures.
5.4. Songs of replacement.
5.5. Songs-tale.
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