Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grao en Belas Artes
  Photography projects
Topic Sub-topic
-Envelope to nature of the photograph
-The speech of the *mímese.
-The photograph how transformation of the real.
-The photograph how footprint.
-Authors that *reflexionan in the his work envelope the *verismo photographic.
-The *verismo photographic and the digital image.
-Spaces *discursivos of the photograph 2.0-*Ubicación of the photograph: Space *discursivo of the painting / own Space. Genders / Spaces *discursivos.
2.1-Document, archive and concept of author.
-Documentary style.
-The archive how strategy in the contemporary art.
2.2-The photograph the media. The magazines illustrated.
-The photograph of press in the actuality.
2.3-Other fields with presence of the photograph.
-Displacement of space *discursivo
-The photograph and the contemporary art 3.0-historical Referents: *Pictorialismo and historical avant-gardes.
3.1-Years 60-70. The photo how document of the work.
-The art of the photographers / To photograph of the artists.
3.2- The contemporary photograph.
-The *posmodernimade and the photograph.
-The form picture.
-*Ecleticismo, *monumentalismo, photograph built, *mestizaxe…
-Different contemporary proposals.
-Practical contents 4.1- I Handle of the analog camera.
-Revealed and *positivado analog in white and black.
4.2- The numerical image. Archives of image.
-I handle of the digital camera.
Realization of copies. Different processes.
4.3- Proposals.
-Definition and resolution.
-Formulations *expositivas.

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