Guia docente 2015_16
E. U. de Enfermería (Povisa)
Grao en Enfermaría
  Biochemistry: Biochemistry
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Introducción The biochemical Brief introduccion historica. The world of the bioquimica: dimensiones, distances etc... The saude and the illness since the point of view of the Bioquimica. Relacion Of the bioquimica with other sciences.
2.- Cellular biology Brief repaso to the estructura of the celula eucariota and the sús function.
Organulos of but interés
Membranes: the sua function and fenomenos of transport.
3.-Bases of the biochemical: *bioelementos, *biomoléculas, water and *disolucions, sour and bases *Bioelementos: Abundance and *distribucion. *Biomoleculas: *dimensions
*Estructura And properties. Distribution of the water in the organism. *Balanzo *hidrico And control *hormonal
Component.Criteria of ranking.Forms to express the concentration.Acidity and *basicidade and his measure: scale of pH.*Disoluciones *amortiguadoras And his *imprtancia.Disorders of the balance *acido-base: *acidose and *alcalose.*Osmose And pressure *osmotica.*difusión And *dialise.*Disoluciones Of salts. Balance *hidroelectrolitico
4.-Biochemical *estructural: *carbohidratos, *lípidos, *lipoproteínas, proteins *Glucidos:General properties.*Estereoisomeria. Ranking.Derivatives of the *monosacaridos.It link *glicosidico. *Oligosacaridos And *polisacaridos of interest *bioloxico.Importance of the determination of *glicidos in *bioquimica clinical :*diabetes,*galactosemia *fructosuria essential,intolerance to the *lactosa
*Lipidos : Diverse criteria of ranking. *Lipidos Related with *acidos fatty:*Acilgliceridos and *eicosanoides.*Lipidos Of membrane:*fosfolipidos and *esfingolipidos
*Lipidos *isoprenoides.Steroids
*Aminoacidos and *proteinas:
*minoacidos and his ranking. Properties of the *aminoacidos. *Aminoacidos Modified of *interés *bioloxico Link *peptidico.*Peptidos And *proteinas.Ranking of *proteinas.*Proteinas *plasmaticas.
*Enzimas: Ranking. *Cinetica. *Modulacion Of the activity
5 energetic Metabolism: *mitocondrias and *obtención of energy. Metabolism of the hydrates of carbon. Metabolism of the *lípidos and *lipoproteínas. Nitrogenous
. Human metabolism. Processes of digestion and *absorción.
Studio of the main processes *biosinteticos and *degradativos
6.-- · Genetic information Nitrogenous bases, *nucleosidos and *nucleotidos. *Polinucleotiidos. Substances of interest *bioloxico in the that take part the *nucleotidos *Estructura and functions of DNA and ARN.Replication,*transcripción and *traducción.*Biosintese Of *proteinas.*Codigo *xenetico.
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