Guia docente 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Topic Sub-topic
1. Electromagnetic antennas Basics
Competencies related: CE2, CE3, CE5
1.1 Generalities
1.2 Phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation
1.3 Properties of the field of radiation
1.4 The antenna in transmission
1.5 The antenna in reception
1.6 The antenna in systems of communications and in radar
2. Modeling antennas
Competencies related: CB4, CG4
2.1 Linear Antennas
2.2 Aperture Antennas
2.3 Arrays
3. Types of antennas
CB4, CG4, CE2, CE3, CE5
3.1 Wire Antennas
3.2 Printed and Slot Antennas
3.3 Horns, lens and reflectors
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