Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  Comunicacións Ópticas
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Long answer tests and development At the end of the semester, the students will perform a final test that covers all the contents of the course. 30 B1
Short answer tests After the last lab session, the student will perform a test (20%) about the exercises done in the lab. Moreover, before the beginning of chapter 5, the students will perform a test (30%) about the contents of the first 4 chapters of the course. 50 B4
Case studies / analysis of situations It evaluates the work realised by the student in the study of cases proposed in class. 20 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

We will offer to the students two possible assessment systems: continuous evaluation
or final evaluation at the end of the course.

Each student has to decide on one of these two options by the third week of the course. In principle, the professor considers that the student decides continuous evaluation unless the student explicitly indicates by written statement to the professor that he decides final evaluation at the end of the course.

Continuous evaluation:

The continuous evaluation comprises a series of tasks that the student has to realise along the course (70%), together
with a long answer test (30%) that he/she performs at the end of the course. These tasks include (a) the completion of one short answer test about the first four chapters of the subject (30%) and that it will take place the fourth week of the course, and the completion of one short answer test about the lab (20%) and that it will take place after the last lab exercise, and (b) the assessment of the activities realised by the student related with the 'case studies' (20%) that has to be completed by the seventh week of the course. All these tasks may not be retaken at another point in time. That is to say, if
a student cannot fulfill them within the time stipulated by the professor, there is no possibility to do them afterwards. Also,
they are only valid for the present academic year.

Those students who decide to opt for a continuous evaluation will have to fulfill the following conditions in order to pass the course:
(a) perform at least 2 out of the 3 lab exercises; (b) obtain, at least, 8 points out of 20 in the 'case studies'; (c) obtain, at least,
12 points out of 30 in the long answer test; and (d) obtain a minimum of 50 points in total (i.e., taking all the activities into account). The final mark of those students who do not fulfill these minimum requirements will be calculated
as follows. It will be the minimum between: (i) the total number of points obtained by the student in all the activities of the
course, and (ii) 40 points. That is to say, the maximum mark obtainable for these students is 40 points.

The choice of a continuous evaluation necessarily implies that the student is counted as present at the final evaluation,
independently of whether or not the student has performed the long answer test.

Evaluation at the end of the semester:

In addition to the system of continuous evaluation described above, the student can opt for a final examination only. This
final evaluation covers all the contents of the subject. The professor may demand the student to deliver some additional
tasks, which will be notified by the fourth week of the course. These tasks have to be delivered on the day of the final
examination. To pass the course the student will have to obtain, at least, 50 points out of 100 in the final exam together with
the additional tasks.

Evaluation in July:

Those students who opted for a continuous evaluation and fulfill the requirements (a) and (b) above, will be able, if they
so wish, to keep the mark obtained in the tasks performed during the continuous evaluation (70%). In such a case, they will
only take a long answer test (30%). To pass the course, these students will have to obtain, at least, 12 points out of 30 in
the long answer test, and obtain a minimum of 50 points in total.

Alternatively, these students can also opt for a final examination only, which covers all the contents of the course. In this
case, the students will have to inform the professor one month prior to the final exam. Otherwise, it will be understood that
the student opts for continuous evaluation.

The rest of students (i.e., those that opted for a system of continuous evaluation and do not fulfil the requirements (a)
and (b) above, and those students that opted for a final exam only) will be evaluated by a final exam only, which covers
all the contents of the course.

In the case of choosing a final exam only, the professor may demand the student to deliver some additional tasks, which will
be notified to the student one month prior to the final exam. These tasks have to be delivered at the day of the final examination. To pass
the course the student will have to obtain, at least, 50 points out of 100 in the final exam together with the additional tasks.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000