Guia docente 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  A Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación na Sociedade da Información
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Seminars Teaching in seminar format, in which the student participates very actively in the evolution of the classes deepening in a specific subject, expanding it and relating it with contents oriented to the professional practice; including the participation in scientific events and/or informative, organised or no in the own School; the organisation of debates that allow sharing ideas and proposals, guided by lecturers, both face-to-face or on-line; and the study of cases/analysis of situations (analysis of a problem or real case, with the purpose to know it, interpret it, resolve it, generate hypothesis, diagnose it and going deep in alternative procedures of solution, to see the application of the theoretical concepts in the reality). These activities can have related a load of autonomous work of the student.

Subjects as "Seminar on Engineering and Society", "Ethic implications of Engineering", and related debates, are taught following this methodology.

Competencies worked: with this methodology we work the competencies CB3, CG7, CG9, CG13 and CT4
Projects Realisation of works, individual or in group, for the resolution of a case or a concrete project, as well as the presentation of the results by writing and/or by means of a presentation that can follow different formats: oral, poster, multimedia. They include the integrated Methodologies: learning based in problems (LBP), resolution of problems of design proposed by the professor, and education based in projects of learning (PBL).

Teachers will create groups, using as selection criteria the results of a personality test done by the students at first session. The objective is to obtain heterogeneous groups, and externally selected, as at an actual company.

The student, in group, prepares a work providing a solution to a clear-cut problem according to the methodology Design Thinking, identifying situations of the daily life that a priori do not relate with the Telecommunication. Design Thinking methodology develops with the following steps: finding, interpreting, thinking, experimenting, and evolving.
The solution has to take into account both technical and legal, environmental, social and sustainability aspects.

Following Design Thinking methodology, the first step will be searching for news on a subject proposed by each group (for example location of missing aeroplanes in the sea, integration vs. exclusion of communities in risk of vulnerability -elderly, third world, rural-, etc.). Students will pose imaginative solutions and will treat to find a proposal that would be reasonable, although it can not being still implementable given the current technological development.
The groups will begin for locating real news related. From them, they will treat to identify possible technological or procedural solutions . They will have to look for technical and scientific information on these and, finally, elaborate a report and a presentation.
The result of this activity will be documented through a service on line type forum or wiki. Also, a document of presentation or video will produce to be used in the final presentation of the work developed to the class. Both results will be evaluated based on previously known rubrics.
The interaction with the lecturers will be face-to-face with five meetings of one hour, and through forums during the research of information, and by email for the exchange of ideas.

The subject "At a Multidisciplinary Society" fits with this methodology.

Competencies worked: with this methodology work the competencies CB3, CE15/GT1, CG9 and CT4
Master Session Explanation of the contents of the subject; it includes explanation of concepts; introduction of practices and exercises; and resolution of problems and/or exercises in ordinary classroom.

The subject "Professional attributions and its history" fits with this methodology.

Competencies worked: with this methodology work the competencies CG7, CG9 and CT3
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