Guia docente 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  A Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación na Sociedade da Información
Topic Sub-topic
Seminar on the Engineering in the Society Engineers (to be possible former students at the School) speak us on their professional activity, or advise us on appearances of professional development (EuroPass, professional association, activity ambits).
At the end, the students answer poll/questionnaires to move them to think on the topics. The answers will be used for debates in another session.

Related competencies: CE15 and CT4
Debates on the seminar After the conferences, debates of half hour treating to look for the ethical implications or the influence that the described engineering activity has on the society.

Related competencies: CB3
Professional attributions and their history Eight historical professional attributions .
Historical development of systems or applications related:
* Television
* Wire communications (small history: Vigo and the football in Spain)
* Radioelectric spectrum (management: attributions, etc.)
* Internet
* Mobile telephony (including effects on health)
* Experts official reports.

Related competencies: CG13 and CT3
Ethical implications of the Engineering Two cases, extracted from the actuality and related with engineering activities with influence in the society.
In previous classes or in FaiTIC, lecturers provide information of the cases and can distribute roles (commissions to students or to groups that defend a determinate posture or opinion).
Presentation of the case and debate in sessions of two hours by case.

Related competencies: CG9
In a multidisciplinary society The proposal for the work in groups C is centered in the resolution of problems or situations of the society in which we live, no strictly related with the Telecommunication Engineering, so that the students comprise his implication in multiple fields of the society and how can influence in her with solutions posed from his competencies and engineering skills. It does not treat to manufacture or program a solution, but to look for a proposal that was feasible, now or in a future with technology more developed, and that it was acceptable socially. The process would be based in techniques of Design Thinking.
Using a simple personality test, we create the groups looking for higher heterogeneity: so, the possibility of creating ideas and solutions grows.
In group A, presentations of the solutions that the groups C find to the problems.

Related competencies: CG7, CE15, CT3 and CT4
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