Guia docente 2015_16
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Analogue Electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Tutored works Every student has to create a document about the assigned work.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in these works.
10 C42
Short answer tests First short answer test in the classroom.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in these tests.
15 C42
Troubleshooting and / or exercises First exercise test in the classroom.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in this test.
15 C42
Short answer tests Second short answer test.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in this test.
15 C42
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Second exercise test.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in this test.
15 C42
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Laboratory-work exam based on simulations and real circuits.
Competencies CE42, CE43 and CE44 will be assessed in this test.
30 C42
Other comments on the Evaluation

NOTE: The timing of the partial exams might suffer some changes, due to time restrictions. The exact timing will be indicated along the course.


The subject is evaluated in a continue way, by mean of two partial exams. These exams treat the theoretical aspects. In addition, there is an exam for the lab-work.

This first partial includes themes from one to five. The second partial exam includes themes from six to ten. The weight of both partials is a 60% from the total mark.

The two partials take place in the classroom, within the class time. These partials are approximately 90 minutes long. The first 30 minutes will be dedicated to an exam with short answers. The rest 60 minutes will be dedicated to an exam with long answers.

Inside each partial, the 90 minutes exam and the 30 minutes exam have the same weight.

In order to pass a partial exam (the first or the second), the student is required to obtain at least a mark of 5 over 10.

The student that passes only one partial will only have to try the other one at the final exam option.

The lab-work is evaluated using a unique exam, in the laboratory. The weight is 30%.

Tutored works are assessed using a report that every student should be done. The weight is 10%.

When a student attends the first partial, he or she accepts to follow the continuous assessment. Students that do not attend to the first partial will be assessed by means of a final exam.

The mark that a student obtains in the lab-work is maintained until July, except if the student does not want. In this case, the student will have to do partials and lab exams in July.

In order to pass the subject, once partials have been passed, the student has to obtain a global mark (GM) of at least 5 points in ten. The global mark is calculated following the next formula:

GM = 0.6 * TM + 0.3*LM + 0.1*RM


TM = Mean value of the partial marks; LM = lab mark; RM = report mark

The first partial is preview to take place in the sixth week. The second partial will take place in the last week.

The lab exam will take place in the lab, the day of the last lab session.


The students that do not follow the continuous assessment will be assessed by means of a final exam. The exam will consist of three parts: the first part of the themes 1 to 5, the second part of the themes 6 to 10 and the third part of lab-work in the laboratory.

In order to pass the subject, the student has to obtain a mark of at least 5 points over ten for the first and second parts. In this case, the global mark (GM) is calculated following the next formulae:

GM = 0.6 * TM + 0.4*LM


TM = Average mark of the first and second part of the exam; LM = lab mark

If the student does not obtain a mark of at least 5 in the first part or in the second part, the global mark would be the least mark between 4 or the GM taken from the early formulae.


If a student did not enter the continuous assessment mode but is interested in participate in the final exam, he or she should talk with the professor at least two weeks before the day of the exam. Contact can be by e-mail. This help in the organization of the lab work exam.


The recovery exam (June-July) shares the same structure than the final exam.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000