Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Microelectronics Design
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Projects Each group of students must deliver a detailed written report about the project they developed. Contributions from each team member must be clearly stated and identified. The methodology used for task distribution and coordination within the group must also be clearly explained. Evaluation will be based on:
- Analysis of design alternatives
- Design correctness
- Layout compaction
- Use of adequate layout strategies to minimize the effect of process variations and to assure good matching wherever required.
- Formal issues: structure, clarity, conciseness, and completeness of the report. Use of suitable figures and discussion of significant data.
Reports are due two days before the public presentation of the work. To pass the course, the group the student belongs to must achieve in the report a mark of 5 or higher in a 0-10 scale.

Competencies CE43, CG6, CG9, CG13, and CT4 will be assessed in these projects.
15 B6
Presentations / exhibitions Each student must provide an individual 5-minute public presentation of the part of the project he/she carried out (including planning / coordination tasks, if applicable). Presentations will be scheduled in the last (1-hour) classroom session of the corresponding group. At the end of each presentation, the student must give suitable replies to questions from the audience, which will consist of professors and the other students in the group, who must attend the whole session. Evaluation will be based on the content, formal issues, and deliverance of the presentation, as well as on the way the student replies to que questions from the audience. Students asking relevant questions will get additional score for them. To pass the course, the student must achieve in his/her presentation (plus additional score if applicable) a mark of 5 or higher in a 0-10 scale.

Competencies CE43, CG6, CG9, and CT4 will be assessed in these presentations.
15 B6
Short answer tests An intermediate continuous evaluation 1-hour written test will be held during one of the classroom sessions, covering course contents lectured so far. This test is the last chance for students to decide whether or not they opt for continuous evaluation. All students completing the test implicitly choose to follow continuous evaluation. The remaining students have to explicitly declare their choice. The lack of declaration from a student means he/she will not follow continuous evaluation. The test will consist of short answer questions, accounting for 20% of the global mark.
Another 1-hour test (covering the same course contents and with the same duration and evaluation criteria) will be held in the date of the final exam. It is compulsory for students not in continuous evaluation. Students in continuous evaluation can also voluntarily complete it. In that case, the score they will receive in this part of the course evaluation will be the one achieved in this second test.
Also in the date of the final exam, a 1-hour written test (compulsory for all students) will be held, covering the remaining clasroom contents. The test will be divided in two parts. The first one will consist of short answer questions, accounting for 5% of the global mark.
To pass the course, students must achieve in each of the tests (the second one will also consist of design problems or exercises) a mark or 4 or higher in a 0-10 scale.
Competencies CE42 and CE43 will be assessed in these tests
25 C42
Troubleshooting and / or exercises In the date of the final exam, a second 1-hour written test (compulsory for all students) will be held, covering the remaining clasroom contents not included in the first written test. This second test will be divided in two parts. The second part will consist of design problems or exercises, accounting for 15% of the global mark.
To pass the course, students must achieve in this second test (also consisting of short answer questions) a mark or 4 or higher in a 0-10 scale.
Competencies CE42 and CE43 will be assessed in this test.
15 C42
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. All students, in continuous evaluation or not, must complete Lab Assignment 2 and deliver a written report with the achieved results and conclusions. The report is due before the last scheduled lab session. Lab assignment 2 and the corresponding report account for 15% of the global mark.
A continuous evaluation 1-hour lab test using an IC CAD tool will be held in the last scheduled lab session. Another similar test will be held in the date of the final exam. It is compulsory for students not in continuous evaluation. Students in continuous evaluation can also voluntarily complete it. In that case, the score they will receive in this part of the course evaluation will be the one achieved in this second test. Lab tests account for 15% of the global mark.
To pass the course, students must achieve a mark or 4 or higher in a 0-10 scale in both Lab Assignment 2 and the lab test.
Competencies CE43 and CG13 will be assessed in this part
30 B13
Other comments on the Evaluation

In order to pass the course, students must achieve a global mark of 5 or higher in a 0-10 scale. The global mark will be obtained as the weighted summation of the scores obtained in the different parts of the course. A minimum score is required in each of these parts. For students not achieving the minimum score in any of the parts, the global mark will be the lower value between 4 and the weighted summation of scores.

Students not in continuous evaluation will be evaluated as follows:
- Final written and lab tests will account for the same percentage of the global mark as in the case of students in continuous evaluation.
- They must develop a project and deliver the corresponding report and public presentation (in the same sessions and with the same criteria as students in continuous evaluation). Reports are due two days before public presentation.
Minimum scores in the different parts for students not in continuous evaluation are the same as for students in continuous evaluation.

Students not passing the course in the first call will have the opportunity to attend a second call. Requirements to pass the course will be the same as in the first call. In the second call, students must complete the two written tests and the lab test. No new projects and presentations will be allowed except for students not having achieved the minimum required scores on them. Project reports are due seven days before the date of the test.

Students who achieved the minimum scores in written and lab tests but not in project reports or presentations, will not need to complete the tests again, but only deliver project reports and presentations. However, they can voluntarily (in written) give up tests scores (at least seven days before the date of the second call) and complete all the tests again.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000