Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Physics: Fundamentals of Electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Tests will be carried out in the classroom throughout the year to evaluate the competencies of the student to resolve problems and/or the exercises over a part of the contents of the subject. 60 C4
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Tests will be carried out in the laboratory along the course about management of instrumentation, mounting of electronic circuits and simulation. The skills acquired by the student about the contents of the subject laboratory practices will be evaluated. 35 B13
Self-assessment tests Techniques aimed to collect data about the participation of the student in the proposed self-assessment tests. 5
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous evaluation

A system of continuous evaluation will be offered to the students following the guidelines of the bachelor and the agreements of the academic commission. Students who take the first test of resolution of problems and/or exercises deem to opt for continuous evaluation. Those students who do not take the first test of resolution of problems and/or exercises deem to renounce to the continuous evaluation and they will only have the possibility to take the final exam. Students who do not follow the continuous evaluation and do not take the final exam will be considered "not presented".

1.a Self-assessment tests

The professors will evaluate the execution of the proposed self-assessment tasks, getting the student a rating from 0 to 10 (AE).

The final mark of self-assessment tests (NAE) will be:

NAE = 0.05*AE

1.b Theory

Students will carry out 3 exams (multiple choice test and/or short answer test and/or resolution of problems and/or exercises) properly programmed along the course (PT1, PT2 and PT3). PT1 will be about themes 1 and 2 (block 1), PT2 about themes 3, 4 and 5 (block 2) and PT3 about themes 6, 7 and 8 (block 3). These exams will be valued from 0 up to 10 and the final mark will be the average (NPT -> Mark of theory exams):

NPT = (NPT1 + NPT2 + NPT3)/3

It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 3 points out of 10 in each of these exams (NPT1 >= 3, NPT2 >= 3 and NPT3 >= 3) to pass the subject.

The final mark of theory (NT) will be:

NT = 0.6*NPT

The exams are not recoverable, that is to say, if a student cannot assist the day they are scheduled, the professors do not have obligation to repeat them. The mark of the missed exams will be 0.

1.c Practical

Students will carry out 2 practical tests properly programmed along the course. These tests will be valued from 0 up to 10 and the final mark of the practical (NP) will be:

NP = 0.35*[(NP1 + NP2)/2]

The practical tests are not recoverable, that is to say, if a student cannot assist the day they are scheduled, the professors do not have obligation to repeat them. The mark of the missed tests will be 0.

1.d Final mark of the subject

It must get a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in theory (NT >= 2.4) and practices (NP >= 1.4) to pass the subject. Also it is necessary to get a minimum of 3 points out of 10 in each of the 3 theory exams (NPT1 >= 3, NPT2 >= 3 and NPT3 >= 3).

The final mark (NF) will be:

If NT >= 2.4 and NP >= 1.4 and NPT1 >= 3 and NPT2 >= 3 and NPT3 >= 3 => NF = NAE + NT + NP

If NT < 2.4 or NP < 1.4 or NPT1 < 3 or NPT2 < 3 or NPT3 < 3 => NF = min {4.5; NAE + NT + NP}

2. Final exam

The students who do not follow the continuous evaluation or had a final mark lower than 5 (failed) in the continuous evaluation, will be able to present to a final exam.

The final exam will have a theoretical part and a practical one. The theoretical part will be carried out in the dates established by the School and it will consist in an exam (multiple choice test and/or short answer test and/or resolution of problems and/or exercises). This exam will have 3 parts, one for each block specified in section 1.b. Each part will be evaluated from 0 up to 10 and the final mark of theory (NT) will be the average multiplied by 0.6. It is necessary to get a minimum of 3 points in each of these parts (NPT1 >= 3, NPT2 >= 3 and NPT3 >= 3) and a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in theory (NT >= 2.4) to pass the subject.

The practical exam will be carried out in the laboratory in the dates established by the School and it will consist in a practical test which will be evaluated from 0 up to 10 and the final mark of practices (NP) will be the points of the test multiplied by 0.4. It must get a minimum of 4 points out of 10 in the practical exam (NP >= 1.4) to pass the subject.

By reasons of organisation of the groups of examination, the professors will open a period so that the students inscribe to the final exam of practices. Only those students who have inscribed in due time and form, according to the rules indicated by the professors in the corresponding announcement, will be able to take the final exam of practices.

The students who have opted for the continuous evaluation and have failed and present to the final exam, can do it only to the theoretical part or to the practical one or both. They will conserve the mark got in the continuous evaluation of the missed part if the minimums specified in the continuous evaluation process were achieved. The students who take the theoretical part will be able to carry out the blocks they want. The mark of the continous evaluation of the missed blocks (NPT1, NPT2 and NPT3) will be kept. If they do not take the practical part, the practice note (NP) of the continuous evaluation is recalculated multiplying by 0.4 instead of by 0.35.

The final mark (NF) will be:

If NT >= 2.4 and NP >= 1.6 and NPT1 >= 3 and NPT2 >= 3 and NPT3 >= 3 => NF = NT + NP

If NT < 2.4 or NP < 1.6 or NPT1< 3 or NPT2 < 3 or NPT3 < 3 => NF = min {4.5; NT + NP}

3. Recovery

The recovery call will have a theoretical part and practical one with the same format as the final exam.

The students who present to this call can do it only to the theoretical part, the practical one or both. They will conserve the mark got in the ordinary call (continuous evaluation or final exam). The students who take the theoretical part will be able to carry out the blocks they want. The mark of the ordinary call (continuous evaluation or final exam) of the missed blocks will be kept. The calculation of the final mark of the subject will be as described in section 2.

The final mark of the subject will be the best of the ordinary call and the recovery one.

By reasons of organisation of the groups of examination, the professors will open a period so that the students inscribe to the recovery practices exam. Only those students who have inscribed in due time and form , according to the rules indicated by the professors in the corresponding announcement, will be able to take this exam.

4. Validity of the qualifications

The qualifications of the student of the theoretical and practical parts of the subject will be valid only for the academic course in which they was got.

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