Educational guide 2015_16
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Physics: Fundamentals of Electronics
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1: Introduction Electronic systems. Design process. Integrated circuits.
Subject 2: Diodes and circuits with diodes Characteristics of the diode. Zeners. Analysis of the load line. Ideal model of the diode. Circuits with diodes (rectifiers, clipping and voltage regulator circuits). Small signal equivalent linear circuits. Basic concepts of semiconductors. Physics of the diode. Capacity effects. LED and laser diodes. Photodiodes.
Subject 3: Principles of amplification General aims: Voltage, current and power gains. Ideal amplifier. Amplifier Models. Limits. Introduction to amplifier frequency response.
Subject 4: Bipolar Junjction Transistors (BJT) Operation of the npn Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). Load-Line Analysis of a Common-Emitter Amplifier. The pnp Bipolar Junction Transistor. Models of circuits. Analysis of circuits with BJTs. Phototransistors and optocouplers.
Subject 5: Analysis of amplifiers with Bipolar Junction Transistors Small-Signal Equivalent Circuits. Analysis in medium frequencies: the Common-Emitter amplifier, the Emitter-Follower amplifier, the Common-Collector amplifier and the Common-Base amplifier.

Subject 6: Field Effect Transistors (FET) NMOS Transistor. Analysis of the load line of a simplified NMOS amplifier. Polarization circuits. JFET and depletion MOSFET transistors and channel p devices.
Subject 7: Analysis of amplifiers with Field Effect Transistors Small-Signal Equivalent Circuits. Analysis in medium frequencies: the Common-Source amplifier and the Source Follower amplifiers.
Subject 8: Digital logic circuits Digital logic circuits. Basic concepts. Electrical specifications of the logic gates. The inverter CMOS. CMOS gates NOR and NAND.
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